We’ve organized a movement to transform insurance into a force for climate stewardship

Climate-conscious organizations are joining every day to make a difference with the money they’re already spending on insurance.

Proven Impact

We cut our teeth by rehabilitating banking deposits. Now we’re doing the same for insurance.

In 2018 we sparked a movement for better banking, helping countless customers move millions away from banks that don’t steward the environment, and into banks working for a healthier world. We empowered high profile brands to shift their banking relationships, pressuring incumbent banks toward greater climate responsibility and inspiring the growth of a marketplace of greater green banking options.

Now, Premiums for the Planet® has expanded that movement to insurance, organizing businesses and other institutions to use their collective voice and insurance dollars to reward climate stewardship. How it works.

Mountain range

Our collective power, momentum and program value grows with each new participant

We can only transform insurance if climate-conscious organizations join us and we move together. Premiums for the Planet exists to organize, harness and focus our collective influence to change the status quo.

A few of our members and partners

By joining our growing community of mission aligned brands and cause partners, you can use the money you’re already spending to transform insurance into a force for protecting our assets and the planet.

How it is Working

Testimonials from leaders across our fast growing movement

"If you're climate conscious, in any industry, you can't ignore this massive opportunity to stand for the planet. We joined to add Burton's advocacy and influence to the movement. We immediately improved our global risk and insurance structure to both make a difference and drive better value to our bottom line. Premiums for the Planet is an easy and pivotal place to band together and bring the scale to change the game. Peer or competitor, let's do this together and ride into a better future."

John Lacy
Burton Snowboards

“Premiums for the Planet is a well struck note harmonizing climate action with business pragmatism. For Outside, joining was a seamless way to up our impact and sustainability commitment, building on our role as a community voice, resource and catalyst, while improving our financial and risk protections. I’m proud to add Outside to the growing community of brands and influencers championing this change with Brad and Premiums for the Planet. The insurance industry, aligned with our mission, can tip the balance in our favor to beat this existential challenge.”  

Kristin Hostetter
Head of Sustainability

“The Premiums for the Planet roadmap and potential are really incredible, and it could transform insurance to be part of the solution. It's really straightforward. We take money we're already spending, and we give it brand value and positive climate impact. This movement is a remarkable opportunity. It makes insurance purposeful, and gives insurance new meaning.”

Eric Hallstein
Former Managing Director of Impact Management (NatureVest)
The Nature Conservancy

“Premiums for the Planet is a simple and powerful lever for companies and individuals to be part of the climate solution. This unique insurance instrument is core to POW’s theory of change to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and we’re proud to endorse and support it.” 

Torrey Udall
VP Finance/Operations
Protect Our Winters

"Premiums for the Planet is a novel and exciting way to have more impact within a company's existing insurance spend. Insurance is a major lever we can pull to make a difference, and this is an elegant and compelling approach to doing just that. The ability of the program to drive insurer action and accountability through coordinated membership represents a major opportunity for all of us."

James Mandel
Former Managing Director
Rocky Mountain Institute

"With climate change already impacting the winter outdoor industry and our window to act closing fast, the actions we take now should be nothing less than transformative. The first thing that businesses should be doing is ensuring that their banking, investments, and insurance premiums aren't unknowingly accelerating our climate problem. Premiums For The Planet makes it very easy for any business to redirect their insurance premiums to partners that share their values. With trillions of dollars being invested by financial and insurance institutions in fossil-fuel-related projects annually, this is a giant lever that every business can use, right now."

Chris Steinkamp
Head of Advocacy

“It was a no-brainer for Peak Design to Join Premiums for the Planet. Service has been excellent and we have the full protection we want. It costs us nothing and they made it effortless. The potential to align our spend with our brand values and pull together to create impact with money we're already paying makes total sense. Our employees were stoked about it too — we love the vision, feel good about playing a part and helping bring others into the movement."

David Anhalt
Peak Design

“Among all of the opportunities for impact lies one of the biggest levers hidden right in plain sight - commercial insurance. Premiums for the Planet is a game-changing initiative that transforms the money brands already spend on insurance into immediate impact and brand value. Joining is not just easy and free - it's your direct entry to drive system-scale impact and change. “

Lorna Davis
Board, Seventh Generation, Former CEO, Danone

“Once you understand what’s at stake, you know this insurance movement needs to happen and happen fast - we all need to join in and help bring others – we couldn’t find a reason not to get involved, and as we see it gaining momentum, we’re glad and proud to be a part of it.”

Jeremy Jones
CEO, Jones Snowboards
Founder and President, Protect Our Winters